Corporate Governance

As Non-Executive Chair, I have ultimate responsibility for the leadership of the Board and the Group’s approach to corporate governance.

The Board recognises the importance of good corporate governance as one of the foundations of a sustainable corporate growth strategy and sound decision making and has considered the corporate governance codes available and which would best suit the Company given its specific stage of development, the sector in which it operates and the Company’s size. The Board considers the Corporate Governance Code 2018 published by the Quoted Companies Alliance (the “QCA Code”) to be the most suitable code for the Company.

The Board has reviewed the Company’s corporate governance and how it complies with the Principles of the QCA Code and this is explained in the Corporate Governance Statement below together with the disclosures required by the Code.

The Directors recognise the value and importance of high standards of corporate governance and as such the Company takes steps to ensure compliance by the Board and applicable employees with the terms of the QCA Code. The information set out in the Corporate Governance Statement below outlines the structures, processes and procedures by which the Board ensures that high standards of corporate governance are maintained throughout the Group.

Christopher Train

Statement of compliance with QCA Code

The QCA Code sets out ten principles which should be applied. The principles are set out below with an explanation of how the Company applies each principle and the reasons for any instances of non-compliance.

Committee Information

Page last updated 19 April 2023