Modern Slavery Policy

Our Commitment

Clean Power Hydrogen Group Ltd (CPH2) welcomes the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the transparency in supply chain provision as a means of tackling the global issue of modern slavery.

Clean Power Hydrogen Group Ltd (CPH2) is committed to maintaining high standards throughout our dealings with employees, customers, and suppliers, conducting every aspect of our business with honesty, integrity, and openness. CPH2 will continue to review our practices to meet these standards.


This Policy considers, and supports, the policies, procedures and requirements documented in our Integrated Management System, compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. The implementation and operation of this management system underlines our commitment to this policy statement.

Formal procedures concerning slavery and human trafficking have been established, including disciplinary procedures where they are breached. Additional procedures ensure that this policy is understood and communicated to all levels of the company, and that it is regularly reviewed by Senior Management to ensure its continuing suitability and relevance to the company activities.

Risk Management

We have identified that our greatest potential risks in relation to modern slavery exist in our supply chain. A risk management approach has been taken to help us identify and understand the potential risks and to ensure we can respond appropriately to any challenges. We will continue to review this approach and seek to strengthen our processes.


Clean Power Hydrogen Group Ltd (CPH2), we recognise our responsibility to ensure staff are aware of the reality of modern slavery in the UK and worldwide. We provide guidance that enables staff to recognise and respond to any instances of modern slavery, during work time or otherwise.

For transparency, the company will publish the Modern-Day Slavery & Trafficking Act 2015 Policy Statement on its website for the public, customers, and employees to view.